10 Reasons You Shouldn’t Teach Your Kids To Be Nice
Nice. One of the most overused and banal words in the English language. What does it even really mean? So many things can be “nice” and sometimes this niceness is substituted for being Christian. As a...
View ArticleHave You Ever Struggled To Find Your Voice?
Sometimes I want to reach down into my insides and rip my heart out. Figuratively of course. I want to study and investigate what makes me tick. Jeremiah the ancient Hebrew prophet said “The heart is...
View Article7 Ways A Non-White Student Can Survive Seminary Without Losing Their Mind
The other day I got an email from a friend about how he was getting frustrated and tired of reading books and hearing lectures on Eurocentric theology and church history. He wanted to have some color...
View ArticleThe Myth of the Minority Associate Pastor
Move over Zeus and Hercules! The Evangelical church has a mythology that will blow your mind. If you eavesdrop on certain conversations you will be amazed at the things that are believed just...
View ArticleEaster and Drunk in Love Remixes
Yes. Somebody had to do it. They had to go there…they just had to. If you don’t know by now there are a boatload of gospel remixes to Beyonce’s “Drunk in Love.” This happens to be the best one on a...
View ArticleMy struggle to write as a black evangelical
I have been struggling to write. At least write for this blog. Part of it is due to my own exhaustion and needing to have a come to Jesus moment. That’s for another blog post. Another reason is because...
View ArticleReflections on September 11th
Thinking about this dreadful day some 13 years ago and especially about what is going on today can get some people sad. Others may become vengeful and angry. While I grieve over the atrocities of Al...
View ArticlePropaganda: Why I don’t have cable or a PS4
The other day a Comcast rep came to the door. He started asking whether I had cable and whether I played video games. My answer was no to the first question and sometimes with my kids to the second. He...
View ArticleHow can the church address fatherlessness?
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. (James 1:27) Manhood Restored by...
View ArticleA Call to Lament
From the church shooting in Charleston to the SCOTUS ruling on same sex marriage it’s been a wild week. And when you add the news headlines of the last several months it becomes clear and apparent that...
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